Test Smarter, Not Harder: Prioritize Regression Test Cases
Hey there, if you are here is because you want to learn how to Test Smarter so let’s go!! Regression testing is a type of software testing that ensures that previously tested and working functionality continues to work after a change is made. The primary goal is to identify any new defects or unintended impacts […]
Optimizing E2E Testing with AI: The Usage-Centric Paradigm
In the world of software development, End-to-End (E2E) testing, especially through the Usage-Centric approach, plays a pivotal role, simulating real-life scenarios and user interactions within production-like environments. This testing phase distinguishes itself from unit, integration, and systems tests by focusing on validating real-world scenarios, user experiences, business processes, and end-to-end user journeys. E2E testing should […]
Which coverage indicator for your E2E tests?
When producing E2E test suites, one challenge is to know what to test first, and when to consider that the test suite is sufficient to ensure the desired level of quality. To make the most rational decisions possible, we need to base our decisions on objective indicators. As far as testing is concerned, one such […]
Gravity new features : Product update – Q2 2023
Hello there! đź‘‹ As summer has just settled, and before we enjoy the sun, the beach, and other pleasant activities, let’s discover Gravity new features. Demo project Most Gravity new features rely on usage data to just…work. To let you explore the product without having to set up data collection or wait for having enough […]
Quality Engineering through Usage-centric Testing
Enhancing user journeys streamlining the software production system In today’s fast-paced and competitive software development landscape, ensuring high-quality products while meeting tight deadlines is a constant challenge for organizations. Quality Engineering has emerged as a strategic discipline to address this challenge. It focuses on building robust software production systems that deliver both speed and quality. […]
Usage-centric Testing part 2: a shift-right approach
In the second part of this series, we will see how shift-right testing, and particularly “Usage-centric Testing”, can help design and select the right E2E tests
Boost your Cypress testing game with Usage-centric Testing
Find, below, the replay of our last webinar about how to boost your Cypress testing game with Usage-centric Testing and Gravity. Pains we use to listen : “We have too many tests, and a lot of them are for features that don’t make sense anymore.” “Our test suite keeps growing, but we still have as many bugs.” How can we […]